воскресенье, 24 июля 2022 г.

Canon MFU Scan over Yandex SMTP


Setup your Yandex mail account:

1. Account > Account Profile
2. Пароли и авторизация > Пароли приложений
3. Создать новый пароль

this link will help

1. Email Setings (the Gear Icon at top right) >  All settings
2. Enable "С сервера imap.yandex.ru по протоколу IMAP"
3. Enable "Пароли приложений и OAuth-токены"

Setup your Scanner:

1. Find you MFU IP and open it in Browser
You'll need "System Manager Mode" and PIN you setup when first started (or some default one - google it
3. Settings > TX Settings > Email Settings > Edit
4. SMTP Server: smtp.yandex.ru
5. E-Mail Address: <youremail@yandex.ru>
6. Enable "
Use SMTP Authentication (SMTP AUTH)"
    and enter your password you generated in part1
7. Enable "Use TLS for SMTP"
8. Ok

Try it.

воскресенье, 13 марта 2022 г.

DevOps Tools


  1. Windows 11
  2. WSL
  3. VS Code
  4. git (in WSL)
  5. LightShot
  6. Remote Desktop Manager
  7. 2Fast (from Microsoft Store)
  8. AWS CLI (in WSL)
  9. Terraform (in WSL)
  10. DataGrip
  11. Insomnia
  12. PyCharm

вторник, 15 февраля 2022 г.

DevOps Speech


An example of DevOps Speech


I am 13 years in IT.

For the last 7 years in Cloud Engineering, DevOps, Automations

I worked with major cloud providers: AWS, GCP, Azure

I worked on projects like:

- Build infrastructure from scratch, Design, Implementation, Maintenance

- Migration from on-prep to cloud

On building infrastructure I used Infrastructure as Code with Terraform - writing modules, upgrading, importing, troubleshooting, pipeline integrations.

Used Ansible as configuration management tool

On CICD Part I used Jenkins with Groovy - Pipeline as a code.

Worked with Kubernetes - deployed EKS, ECS, GKE clusters with Terraform.

Built pipelines to delivery the code to Kubernetes, deploying new services and updating existing microservices.

On SRE part I setup monitoring with Datadog, deployed and setup Elastic Stack, Grafana, Prometheus.

I do coding on daily basis on Python, Bash, PowerShell - automating processes

That's it shortly.

понедельник, 14 февраля 2022 г.


Objective: Get Basic knowledge of Git

Tasks: https://github.com/kuchuksv/techmaster/tree/main/basic

Theory + Labs: 

1. Git Training Book https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2

2. Online Practice https://learngitbranching.js.org/

3. Video Course 

1. Linux, Bash, Networking



Get Basic knowledge of Linux Installation, CLI, Bash and networking




1. Linux Installation

2. Unix/Linux Command Reference

3. https://www.tecmint.com/linux-networking-commands/





  • This video demonstrates the basic fundamentals of Linux

  • Beginner's Guide to the Bash Terminal

  • Networking commands

четверг, 10 февраля 2022 г.

DevOps Start


DevOps learning path

  1. Linux, Bash, Networking
  2. Git
  3. AWS
  4. Docker
  5. Terraform
  6. Databases, SQL
  7. Jenkins, Groovy
  8. Kubernetes, Helm
  9. Python
  10. DevOps Speech