воскресенье, 15 июня 2014 г.

Отключение питания PoE портов на Cisco коммутаторе / Turning off PoE on a Cisco switch

    Ежели вы надумали подавать электричество на PoE коммутатор Cisco по расписанию, тем самым включая и выключая устройства, то вам будет полезно следующее:

energywise domain <<COMPANY.LOCAL>> security shared-secret <<SECRET>> 
energywise management security shared-secret <<SECRET>> 

interface FastEthernet0/41
 energywise level 10 recurrence importance 90 at 00 6 * * 0-6
 energywise level 0 recurrence importance 90 at 00 23 * * 0-6

"at 00 6 * * 0-6"
в 00(мин.) 6(час.) *(любой день месяца)  *(любого месяца) 0-6(с Вс. по Сб.)

energywise level level recurrence importance importance {at minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week | time-range time-range-name}
Schedules a power-on or power-off event.
level level —Specifies the power level.
To power off the endpoint, enter 0.
To power on the endpoint:
If it is a PoE endpoint, enter 10.
If it is another powered device, enter a power level from 1 to 10. The endpoint determines the appropriate action.
importance importance—The event occurs if the importance value of the endpoint is less than or equal to the importance value. The range is from 1 to 100.
at minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week—Specifies the time (24-hour format) in cron format for the recurrence.
minute—The range is from 0 to 59. Use * for the wildcard.
hour—The range is from 0 to 23. Use for the wildcard.
day_of_month—The range is from 1 to 31. Use for the wildcard.
month—The range is from 1 (January) to 12 (December). Use * for the wildcard.
day_of_week—The range is from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). Use * for the wildcard.
time-range time-range-nameSpecifies the time range for the recurrence.
The event uses the domain member time.
Repeat this step to schedule another event.
Источник: supportforums.cisco.com   www.cisco.com

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