понедельник, 22 марта 2021 г.

Google API - User Get/Create/Delete Automation


How to Manage users with Google API calls.

Create OAuth2.0 Credentials

in Google Cloud create credentials

setup the Authorized redirect URIs

Also you'll need to enable Admin SDK

Get Users

Call:      GET https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/users?domain=<your domain>

Authorization URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth

Authorization Token URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token

Client ID: from credentials you created in GCP

Client Secrete: from credentials you created in GCP

Redirect URL: https://www.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback

Then click - Refresh Token

A page to enter email and password will popup. Then you'll have to click Allow.

Once you got your Access Token (will expire in 1 hour) - you can SEND the request

Create Users

Call:      POST https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/users

Authorization URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth

Authorization Token URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token

Client ID: from credentials you created in GCP

Client Secrete: from credentials you created in GCP

Redirect URL: https://www.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback

JSON body:


"primaryEmail": "user1@domain.com",

"name": {

 "givenName": "User1",

 "familyName": "Smith"


"suspended": false,

"password": "PASSWdfalkjas0d",

"changePasswordAtNextLogin": true,

"ipWhitelisted": false,

"emails": [


  "address": "userlast@gmail.com",

  "type": "home",

  "customType": "",

  "primary": false



"addresses": [


  "type": "work",

  "customType": "",

  "streetAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway",

  "locality": "Mountain View",

  "region": "CA",

  "postalCode": "94043"



"organizations": [


  "name": "Department of Technology",

  "title": "SWE",

  "primary": true,

  "type": "work",

  "description": "Software engineer"



"phones": [


  "value": "+1 99589559040",

  "type": "home"



"includeInGlobalAddressList": true


Delete Users

Call:      POST https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/users

Authorization URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth

Authorization Token URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token

Client ID: from credentials you created in GCP

Client Secrete: from credentials you created in GCP

Redirect URL: https://www.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback

In this example Insomnia Rest Api tool is used.

You can use Postman as well.

The list of Scopes:


Google Doc


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