пятница, 13 октября 2023 г.

Unlesh - Setup - Feature Flagging Solution


Unleash is an Open source feature flagging solution with built-in javascript which can help you create and manage feature toggles using REST API's.

*For Windows 11 with WSL enabled.

Install Docker

Download link 

Keep in mind to enable WSL when installing Docker

Setup Unleash Server

git clone https://github.com/Unleash/unleash-docker.git

cd unleash-docker

docker compose up -d

Open Unleash UI Console in the browser: http://localhost:4242/

default credentials: admin unleash4all

Create Feature Flag

Create Unleash Server Token

You'll need to add it to the small app below

customHeaders: { Authorization: 'TOKEN' },

Install NodeJS

sudo apt install curl

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash 

source ~/.bashrc

nvm ls-remote

nvm install 18.18.2 (put the version you need)

npm install unleash-client

Create NodeJS small app

const { initialize } = require('unleash-client');

console.log('Starting ....');
const unleash = initialize({
  url: 'http://localhost:4242/api',
  appName: 'my-node-name',
  customHeaders: { Authorization: '*:development.ce816607696cadd45123c06ff16a69e252546e5899c5349e081250e4' },

console.log('Reading ');
// Unleash SDK has now fresh state from the unleash-api
const isEnabled = unleash.isEnabled('AwesomeFeature',);
console.log('IsEnabled: '+isEnabled);

setInterval(() => {
  let result=unleash.isEnabled('AwesomeFeature');
  console.log('IsEnabled: '+result);
}, 1000);

Testing Feature Flagging

start your app:

node unleash-client-setup.js

  you'll in the terminal running:
IsEnabled: false
IsEnabled: false
IsEnabled: false
IsEnabled: false
IsEnabled: false
IsEnabled: false
IsEnabled: false

  go to Unleash UI Console and enable you AwesomeFeature flag

   you'll see that in the terminal it will change the message to:
IsEnabled: true
IsEnabled: true
IsEnabled: true
IsEnabled: true
IsEnabled: true

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