суббота, 28 июля 2012 г.

Cisco 851 - %IP_VFR-4-FRAG_TABLE_OVERFLOW: Vlan1: the fragment table has reached its maximum threshold 16

%IP_VFR-4-FRAG_TABLE_OVERFLOW: Vlan1: the fragment table has reached its maximum threshold 16
IP packets that are fragmented are buffered by the router until reassembled and transmitted. The router will allocate space for a number of datagrams (and fragments per datagram) to be held waiting for reassembly. If too many fragmented datagrams are received you'll get the frag_table_overflow syslog message. You can increase the size of the fragment table. http://www.certforums.com/forums/

В общем удалось только увеличить размер таблицы фрагментации. Теперь данное сообщение в логах появляется раз в полторы минуты, в отличии от прошлых 30 секунд.

На интерфейсе прописать:

ip virtual-reassembly max-reassemblies 64

%IP_VFR-4-FRAG_TABLE_OVERFLOW: Vlan1: the fragment table has reached its maximum threshold 64

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